What if you could know with certainty that you’ve
Nailed your Niche
and Ideal Client…
So you can finally get started online,
get off the treadmill of endless courses,
sleepless nights and feelings of desperation ?
Are You Ready to Help Others BUT Remain Unclear or Uncertain if You Have Nailed Your Profitable Niche and Who You Want to Work With?
That was my experience when I first started out online as an ex-corporate professional looking to take my expertise online … can you relate ?
- Your dream is to build a predicatably profitable business that makes an impact, but you want the freedom and flexibility on when and where to run it from
- Despite how much you’ve learned, you still feel like you’re missing something, and so can’t take the next step.
- No matter how hard or how long you work, you never seem to make any progress, and are at a loss as to how to fix it
- You’ve been saying for months (even years) that you’re ready to get started, but are stuck and feel embarrassed that you appear to others to be all talk with nothing to show for your effort
- Friends and family ask about your “hobby” business
- Despite taking numerous courses, paying for coaching and following every program to a “T” you still have nothing tangible to show for your effort, time and investment
- Impostor Syndrome nags at you consistently
- You feel you suffer from “Shiny Object Syndrome”, lacking clarity and focus, but know deep down it’s because you know you’re missing something
- You find yourself chasing every new product or coaching offer, changing directions constantly and wondering what the heck you’re missing!
- …and at the same time suffer from information overload…
- You know that you were meant for more, and you have an undeniable desire to help people and to be of service to others
- You have personal experience that you know would help others who are struggling
…if you said “YES!” to one of these, keep reading. You’re in the right place!
No matter how hard or how long you work, you never seem to make any
‣ Despite how much you’ve learned, you still feel like you’re missing
something, and therefore can’t take the next step.
‣ You find yourself chasing every shiny object, changing directions
constantly and wondering what the heck you’re doing!
‣ You notice that you’re doing it ALL yourself and you rely on your hard
work and effort as your primary asset for success.
‣ You keep avoiding what is uncertain, unknown and unproven.
‣ You know that you were meant for more, but somehow you can’t seem
to get out of your own way.
Whether You Are Just Starting Out or Have Been at This “Build Your Online Business” Thing for a While, Here’s the Truth: Nothing Else Works until You Nail Your Niche!
You will always feel like you’re on a treadmill going nowhere, unable to get your business off the ground, second guessing yourself and chasing potential clients UNTIL you nail your niche, and have a clearly defined migraine level problem you solve and for who (aka your ideal client).
Do any of these questions loop around in your head?
When it comes to positioning yourself and your company as the experts, you’re not even sure where to begin.
How do I outsmart, our-position, and out-execute my competition?
Who do I, or should I help?
Why would anyone listen to me?
Why not just help everyone? My solution works for everyone?!
What if I choose the wrong niche? I’ll be missing so many other opportunities!
Will I be ignoring most of my potential customers and leaving money on the table!
There are so many others already doing what I want to do…
I’ve nailed my niche – but have I? How can I be sure?
“When you change the way you look at things, the
things you look at change.”
— Wayne Dyer
If you’re an entrepreneur that has been struggling to get your business off the
ground, or you find yourself working harder and longer in your business than
any job or boss would ever ask of you, I’m here to tell you
If you don’t Nail Your Niche
you will remain unknown and may never launch
There comes a pivotal point in every entrepreneur’s journey where that struggle becomes so real, they open themselves up to change…
If you’ve begun questioning your entire life…
…if you have laid in bed at night and asked aloud, “what the &^%*$ am I even doing?!”
…if you have felt that feeling of deep, dark DESPERATION in the pit of your
How often do you find yourself “stuck” or “frozen” in your business, because
you don’t have all the answers, all the steps or all the pieces yet? Where do you
think that came from?
And when they start failing…
…They work harder. They work longer.
They seek out more tools, more
strategies, more stuff that they’ll throw
their time and money at in hopes that
those things out there will solve their
business problems.
There comes a pivotal point in every entrepreneur’s journey where that struggle becomes so real, they open themselves up to change…
The Truth Is:
If you don’t Nail Your Niche
you will remain unknown and may never launch
Have you, like me …
- spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to take courses from some big name online marketing “gurus” who have you creating fake avatars as your ideal customer persona, so you can “speak to them” directly? That has to be one of the most painful exercises known to man! I mean seriously…
- been told to just pick someone and not worry if it’s right or not, because starting is more important than being right, but it just didn’t sit right with you?
- next point
If so, and that’s the case with you I want you to know —
it’s NOT your fault
you have been crippled with insecurity, asking yourself
“What IS the missing piece?”
and being unable to launch and can’t find your ideal audience.
After all … I did my homework, took courses and followed them to a “T”, took all the prescribed action and still…nothing.
The issues had to be something other than nailing my niche – after all, why was that so difficult to do?
Everyone kept saying – what is your experience and expertise. What are you passionate about? OK, well then DO THAT!
So, like I suspect many of you did as well, you created the course, product, membership site, coaching program and … again …
So you found yourself another program, another coach, followed the instructions to a “T” and still …
After numerous attempts, I asked myself:
“If the problem isn’t knowledge or skills, then…”
I searched, and I asked, and I attended webinar after webinar, and even asked the question “directly” to those who proclaimed to know, but either I got no response or was told I must have “missed” something in the implementation.
I kept researching, kept asking, until one day I was attending yet another training when we were provided the definition of an entrepreneur.
Then I had an “aha” moment
That definition of niche didn’t mesh with mine, or with the definition taught at colleges and universities!
I then further realized that while this was a widely held belief within the internet marketing space, it approached entrepreneurship backwards – as anyone with any entrepreneurial experience would tell you.
These gurus, who likely were early to the game and so had success because it was a blue ocean, really had no idea HOW to start a business.
Their approach was one that would work ONLY in a blue ocean environment – one that no longer exists in most markets.
They approached it from a Product – Market – Offer perspective.
First they created a product based on their knowledge, skills and/or experience, then they went looking for a market that would buy this expertise, and from there put their offer out into the world.
The right/correct approach is Market – Offer – Product. Here’s why:
It starts with the correct definition/concept of entrepreneurs do. And it’s really simple.
Entrepreneurs solve problems.
A niche comes down to the problem you solve and who you solve it for.
So now, starting with a new perspective and definition of an entrepreneur and niche … I address/approach nailing your niche in a way that is not news to the newer generations and those learning about entrepreneurship at college and university — this is how they are taught – but with the added perspective of someone who has experience and expertise to share and is not learning from a theoretical perspective.
Are You Ready to Get Un-Stuck?
Small business marketing/nailing your niche and ideal client avatar is not a mystery.
It’s just a series of simple decisions, and the action steps necessary to carry out the implementatio of those decisions, to help you regain the clarity, confidence, and control you need to reach higher levels of success.
If you and your business are ready to kick some serious ass, you’re in the right place.
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And Want To GUARANTEE They Nail Their Niche & Program Name
So They Can Move Forward Building Their Online Business.

- Access the Mindset Method that gives you my simple & powerful strategies to reframe your blocks and limiting beliefs so that you can get into momentum and stay there
- Go from overwhelmed and busy to clear, calm and controlled– following my step-by-step plan to better manage your time and energy so you can get more done in less time
- Say “goodbye” to vague, too broad and this-isn’t-even-a-niche and “hello” to a clearly defined niche that sets you apart from the crowd
- Complete your Nail Your Niche Formula form so I can review and validate your idea and vision and then give you 3 highly monetizable niche options based on where you live, your profession and how you help others
- Discover the right type of online program you can offer based on your ideas
- Use the Program Naming Methodology to correctly name your perfect online program
- Receive your validated niche, brand, ideal client profile and program name options based on my proven formula
- Access the decision making guide to ensure you make the right choice

- Access your personalized Impact & Abundance Map so that you can outline your next steps and quickly move into momentum
- Plan out your 12-month “Impact & Abundance” business plan so that you can begin building your program and online business without second guessing and overthinking

- Access to The LaunchPad 4-Week Live Course hosted by Lori Kennedy
- The Mindset Method & Proven Time Blocking Strategies
- The Nail Your Niche Formula
- A Proven Niche, Ideal Client Profile, Brand Identity & Program Name
- Real-Time Feedback On Your Choice
- The Impact & Abundance 12-Month Map
- Pre-Qualified To Access The 10K Success System
It’s probably one of these 3 blocks:

BLOCK # 1:

BLOCK # 2:

BLOCK # 3:
WIthout having a niche, ideal client, brand identity and program name, you’ll continue to throw spaghetti at the wall, feel like you’re working so hard and get very little in return. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed and worried that ‘it won’t work’, the very best thing you can do to get started is to NAIL YOUR NICHE.

- You’re stuck picking a niche and are scared to pick the wrong one
- You think your niche idea is too broad
- You want feedback on your choice and to ensure that your niche, ideal client and program will work for you
- You want to show up authentically but don’t know how
- You’re not sure what your online program should be and what to name it?
- Want to know that people will pay you
- You’re looking for a proven plan that will just give you the exact steps to take
- You need someone to validate your business idea and give you initial direction on next steps

Ready to nail your niche, have an ideal client you’re in love with,
Are You Ready to Get Un-Stuck?
- You’re trying so hard but nothing is working and you are at a loss as to how to fix it
- You’ve been saying for months (even years) that you’re ready to get started, but are stuck and feel embarrassed that you appear to others to be all talk with nothing to show for your effort
- Friends and family ask about your “hobby” business
- You have an undeniable desire to help people and to be of service to others
- You have personal experience that you know would help others who are struggling
- You’re trying so hard but nothing is working and you are at a loss as to how to fix it
- You’ve been saying for months (even years) that you’re ready to get started, but are stuck and feel embarrassed that you appear to others to be all talk with nothing to show for your effort
- Friends and family ask about your “hobby” business
- You have an undeniable desire to help people and to be of service to others
- You have personal experience that you know would help others who are struggling
Brand Design & Strategy
Social Media Management
Audience Analytics
We’ve Got You Covered
Brand Design & Strategy
Social Media Management
Audience Analytics
Team Training
Website Development
Email Marketing
We’ll Show You How It’s Done
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Elegant Themes
- Brand Identity
- Website Design & Development
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